Freshwater ecosystems are very vulnerable to invasion by pests, including introduced animals and weeds. Since European settlement many exotic fish have been accidentally or deliberately introduced into New South Wales (NSW) waterways, and some have become wide…
After 11 years, Target Marine Hatcheries in Canada, is expecting to harvest its first batch of white sturgeon caviar in the next few months. Charlotte Johnston, TheFishSite Editor speaks to Justin Henry, General Manager.
The direct threat from the killer warty comb jellyfish to the Baltic cod population has been shown not to be so serious after all. Even though the invasive killer jelly feeds constantly, cod eggs seem not to be on the menu. In fact, if they accidentally swallo…
Both government regulators and the Canadian salmon aquaculture industry face ongoing pressure to reduce the industrys potentially adverse effects on the surrounding natural aquatic environment. One option currently being considered is closed-containment, a pra…
This study by Henrik Sundh, Bjorn Olav Kvamme, Frode Fridell, Rolf Erik Olsen, Tim Ellis, Geir Lasse Taranger and Kristina Sundell suggests that the intestinal barrier function of Atlantic salmon post smolts is reduced by common sea cages environments. It may …