Ghana's catfish and tilapia farmers vie for supremacy Production systems Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catfish / Pangasius 18 September 2020
Chinese province bans the purchase, sale and use of Ecuadorean shrimp due to Covid-19 concerns Economics Food safety & handling Shrimp 26 August 2020
Consumers urged to look beyond farm raised salmon Fish stocks Feed ingredients Atlantic Salmon 25 June 2020
Radical rethink required for global aquaculture? Biosecurity Sustainability Atlantic Salmon 8 June 2020
SSPO update on steps salmon farming sector is taking to stay open Coronavirus (COVID-19) 25 March 2020
Feed trial successfully replaces fishmeal with black soldier fly larvae for farmed Atlantic salmon Feed ingredients 26 October 2019
Showcase shortlist: meet the innovators – Seafood Portal Economics Events Atlantic Salmon 26 August 2019 The founder and CEO of a new cloud-based digital trading platform for seafood explains to The Fish Site how he aims to disrupt the seafood trading industry.
Young's Seafood announces growth and sustained earnings over the 2018 financial year Marketing Economics Cod 12 August 2019
Canadian retailers are responding to consumer demands for sustainable seafood Sustainability Marketing 6 July 2019
Biotechnology is vital for improving aquaculture sustainability Biotechnology Feed ingredients 27 September 2018
African farmers struggle to compete with cheap Chinese tilapia Regulations 30 January 2018 Importing vast quantities of frozen tilapia from China – sometimes illegally – is having a negative impact on African fish farmers.
Urchin confidential 11 July 2017 Samantha Andrews blind tastes sea urchin roes on behalf of The Fish Site.
Alaska to exploit Chinese appetite for salmon offcuts Fish stocks 17 June 2017 Alaskans make no bones about Chinese salmon market.
Finding a sustainable use for knife fish in the Philippines Feed ingredients Health Tilapia / Cichlids 6 August 2013