Ecuador’s meteoric growth in shrimp production shows no sign of slowing down – despite the decline in global shrimp prices – according to one of the sector’s leading analysts.
As the co-founder of a South African startup, spending three months in Olaisen Blue’s in-residence programme in Norway helped me appreciate how collaboration, community and a shared vision can catalyse the growth of the aquaculture sector.
An impact is an impact, independent of the country where it is felt. If we are going to import products, we should be just as happy to have them produced in our backyards. And we can be: if we incentivise US producers to take a smart, sustainable approach to f…
Last week’s visit to Aqua Nor alongside 11 of New Zealand’s brightest prospects in aquatech highlighted the huge opportunities that await these companies on the international stage.
Plans to replicate a successful pilot programme in Uganda, which involves the creation of aquaculture hubs that provide a cluster of local farmers with a market and also key inputs, are gaining momentum, following the formation of a new partnership.
Rainbow trout farming is proving a profitable venture for many fish farmers in Sikkim, a small hilly state in north-east India, thanks to the suitable climatic conditions and reliable water supplies.
The Zimbabwe government has embarked on an ambitious aquaculture programme that it says will address food insecurity, unemployment and income generation – but critics have labelled it a “vanity project.”
Rural Aquaculture Development (RAD) has developed an innovative model both to grow and sell its own tilapia, and to support the local aquaculture sector, in a bid to improve smallholder livelihoods in western Uganda.
How shrimp producers – and those who provide their feeds – can remain solvent during a time of rock-bottom shrimp prices and record feed costs will form the crux of many of the discussions in the feed session at the forthcoming Global Shrimp Forum.
The second half of 2023 could be “the most challenging period for global aquaculture since the peak of the pandemic in 2020”, while for the shrimp sector it could be the toughest period since the outbreak of EMS in 2011.
The first experimental batch of a vaccine that should help Colombia’s tilapia farmers combat the new serotype strain of Streptococcus agalactiae that has recently been reported in the region arrived in the country last week.
Nasheika Guya juggles motherhood, a PhD and being the managing director of a freshwater fish farm in Jamaica that caters for recreational anglers who can then keep and cook their catch.
Seafood production has become a globalised industry and many countries have seafood industries that are being buoyed by overseas migrant workers – hard-working people who left their home countries, and often their entire families, to seek their fortunes abroad…
Kwame David Adade took over Windmill Farms – a catfish and tilapia farm in Ghana – from his father four years ago and since then has made some interesting discoveries, especially in feed formulation.
As the SEAfood Act and the AQUAA Act are being debated in Congress, Emily De Sousa joined two of America’s leading seafood chefs – Barton Seaver and Steve Phelps – on a tour of some of the world’s most extreme offshore fish farms, to find out for themselves ab…
Having worked in biotechnology investment and then as a pioneering seaweed and mussel farmer, Paul Dobbins was persuaded to come out of retirement for the second time to work on WWF’s programmatic and investment work and he now intends to galvanise the fledgli…
Zoramhluna, the founder of Zo Aquatics - a company that farms and sells a range of ornamental fish in the India's northeast state of Mizoram - believes that the sector is set to grow has scope grow.