Angela Ashby, head of clinical services at Fish Vet Group, explains how the complimentary diagnostics courses the company started offering their clients are proving increasingly popular since their launch earlier this year.
Mowi farm technician Clara McGhee notes how incremental environmental changes - as can be observed on a seasonal basis from a salmon farm - are also having a wider, and more worrying, impact on the health of wild salmon across much of their range.
Whether the salmon industry can continue to reap the rewards of its recent programme of huge investments is set to be one of the subjects covered in an illuminating presentation by Kolbjørn Giskeødegård on 29 May.
Mowi farm technician Clara McGhee discusses the main fish health challenges facing Scottish salmon farmers, the range of methods used to resolve them and some of the gross misconceptions surrounding the sector.
An impressive range of companies and individuals from around the world have made the shortlists for the eight categories of the 2019 Aquaculture Awards.