The global seaweed aquaculture sector should aim to grow by 12 percent a year – helped by a marked production increase in northern oceans – according to Bailey Moritz, program officer for seaweed and shellfish projects for the US national office of World Wildl…
The founder of Norway’s Seafood Innovation Cluster, who is now innovation manager at Hatch, has dedicated her career to fostering collaboration and innovation in the aquaculture industry.
A renaissance in Bali’s seaweed farming sector is being widely touted as a sustainable alternative to tourism, following the outbreak of the Covid pandemic, but the reality is much more complicated.
Producing tilapia in marine environments offers a number of advantages over traditional freshwater farming of these fish – saltwater is more readily available in most countries, escaped fish are less likely to become invasive, and tilapia produced in saline wa…
A group of researchers in the Philippines is looking to develop and commercialise an app that helps farmers differentiate between three very closely connected crab species – a goal that could save the crab ranching sector millions of dollars.
How kelp farms can provide habitat for fish and marine invertebrates, whether there are any negative impacts on fish and marine invertebrates during maintenance and harvesting cycles, and how the benefits of restorative aquaculture can be optimised for both th…
Naua Lakai lives on Vava’u, one of the 36 inhabited islands of Tonga. She dropped out of teachers’ college when she became a mother and is now one of the most successful pearl farmers on her island.
The Fish Site has been in touch with aquaculture operators from around the world, hoping to gain insights into their jobs, farms and the fish they produce for our new Meet the farmer series. Our first interview is with Royd Mukonda, the manag…