A new report by the Dutch-based Changing Markets Foundation claims that retailers, including top UK supermarkets, are linked to “illegal, unsustainable fishing operations in India, Vietnam and The Gambia”.
As aquaculture strategy specialist at The Nature Conservancy, Tiffany Waters has turned a lifelong passion for shellfish and marine environmental management into a vocation in which her work is influencing the development of aquaculture and the communities who…
On the day that Eels: Biology, Monitoring, Management, Culture and Exploitation, is launched, The Fish Site caught up with Paul Coulson, who co-edited the book with Andy Don, to find out more about the enduring appeal of anguillids.
While aquaculture is often associated with degrading water quality, invasive species introductions and the destruction of important coastal habitats, increasing evidence suggests that well-designed and managed aquaculture – particularly of shellfish and seawee…
Given the potential impact that climate change could have on the aquaculture sector, it’s encouraging to note that several on-farm developments are currently helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the industry.
Ensuring secure and sustainable food supplies will be one of the key challenges for human society this century, given the combination of population growth and climate change.