US feed grain supplies for 2011/12 are projected higher this month, with higher beginning stocks and production for corn, according to the latest report from the USDA Economic Research Service.
The technology gap with aquaculture in New Zealand continues to widen as the country slides further behind the rest of the world in terms of growth in this sector, writes Peter Hutchinson for Aquaculture NZ.
Northwestern State Universitys Aquaculture Research Center is receiving nationwide attention for its research determining that underwater lighting increases production in crawfish ponds.
Adult cod seem to have the entire ocean at their disposal, and yet each individual cod still chooses their own local shipwreck, which they swim back to faithfully day after day. This is just one of the fascinating results from research using acoustic tags whic…
Scientists from the Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa (IEO) have once again obtained viable bluefin tuna spawnings in their facilities in Murcia without the need for hormonal induction.
Researchers from Kentucky State University and the Aquaculture Research Centre look at the use of soybean and yeast meal as an alternative feed for tilapia.