Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy (VER) is a viral infectious disease affecting more than 50 marine fish species worldwide and it is considered one of the most important threats for mariculture in the Mediterranean, write Niccol Vendramin et al, University …
Adaptation to different ecological environments is thought to drive ecological speciation. This phenomenon culminates in the radiations of cichlid fishes in the African Great Lakes.
Among multigene families, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes are the most frequently studied and have been explored as cytogenetic markers to study the evolutionary history of karyotypes among animals and plants. By applying cytogenetic and genomic methods, Rafael T N…
Just when traceability scares have retailers across the world running for cover, one French retailer can justifiably feel that more than 40 years of working alongside food producers has been vindicated, writes Peter Crosskey.