In order to help the performance of US catfish farmers, scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service are examining breeding, nutrition, genetics, and management practices to produce better hybrid catfish.
Tra catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is a dominant cultured species in Vietnam in terms of production. Its aquaculture production in 2011 was approximate 1.2 million metric tons. The main culture system for tra catfish is intensive model in earthen ponds with…
Speaking at the 150th Annual AVMA Convention in Chicago, US, Nicholas Saint-Erne, DVM PetSmart, Phoenix, Arizona, gave an insight into ornamental koi carp.
During Aquaculture Europe 2013, Kamaran S. Mama and Shamall M. A. Abdullah, University Salahaddin, Iraq, presented their study on the ciliated protozoans that infected common carp from Ainkawa fish hatchery in Erbil city, Kurdistan region, Iraq.