The links between food system sustainability, nutrition and public health concerns cannot be ignored at a time when governments, industries and the civil society are gathering in Egypt for COP27.
A British startup and its Chilean strategic ally are in the process of developing a 174 metre mobile fish farm that could be capable of producing up to 5,000 tonnes of salmon per cycle.
A series of recent trials suggests that the European spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas), may be well suited to aquaculture for restocking dwindling wild stocks and, potentially, for growing to market size.
Mercedes Wanguemert, one of Europe’s foremost sea cucumber experts, explains her role in the formation of the continent’s fledgling sea cucumber aquaculture sector and why she believes that the echinoderms have huge untapped potential.
Petter M Johannessen, director general of the IFFO, believes that marine ingredients play a crucial role in developing aquafeeds with a low carbon footprint.