Every year, large amounts of hatchery-raised young salmonids are released into Swedish rivers and streams to compensate for losses in natural production. However these fish rarely survive. The University of Gothenburg has discovered why: the young fish are too…
Dr Gina Conroy, an aquaculture adviser and consultant to a number of large organisations, looks at the prevalence of streptococcus species in Latin America and their pathological manifestations.
A new recipe from Nofima scientists significantly reduces the rate of malformations in farmed cod, resulting in welfare improvements for the fish and financial improvements for the fish farmers, says Wilhelm Andreas Solheim.
With aquaculture facing a number of challenges from production to consumption, people in Hanoi, Viet Nam are asking how can the industry develop sustainably to benefit farmers? Written by Hai Phuong, for The Nhan Dan.
Aquaculture is growing so rapidly that it accounts for almost 50 per cent of all fish brought to the table. Rebecca Chappell, SDNN looks at leading fish farms in San Diego, US.